I like Getting my information straight from the Horses Mouth, You get an idea on how to work the site success stories and making the most of what OKC has to offer.
I found this Article useful it goes into details on why OKC did away with Usernames and wen to basics NAMES 🙂
A blog on how they do not accept profiles that are ok with KKK, and anyone that is ok with Hate Crimes in a whole .
Don’t let the name fool you lol . It gives a great article on why OKC is still standing strong and goes into details why a lot of people keep comign back. I am guilty of this and it ususally is the app I go back to first when I am off my sabaticals.
A great article on how Racial discrimantion is a huge deal on OKCUPID and online dating gives a link to the OKCUPID founders article on how they came up with these stats and what the results were.