Mommy Dearest a Series on Toxic Motherhood-Part 2

You should  know  your family

One thing I always noticed was how far removed I was of my father’s side of the family and how I honestly knew nothing about them. when we were allowed to be near them I found them hilarious, warm, powerful and very loving 💓💓💓 which confused me on why my mother never wanted us around them. I also found my mother not speaking kind about anyone my grandmother (my father’s mother) more so than anyone.

Introducing my father : the Enabler

My father as kind as he is sadly is a yes man and enabler and allowed my mother to rule the home like a tyrant. I was called stupid, ugly, a bitch and on several occasions, she always compared my looks and everything I do with my little sister . I also realized very quickly and at a young age no matter what I did it would never be good enough for my mother and my sister was the favorite it would take me 15 years to realize this and now I have absolutely accepted it and moved on that this would be my life.


My Childhood in a nutshell


I tried as much as I could to be a good kid I did normal kid/teenager things growing up nothing too severe nor was it too crazy however  I was not allowed to participate in any sports or any extracurricular activities however my sister could take on any activities and was allowed to grow freely in spirit. I am not sure till this day why my mother consistently placed a cap on my growth as an individual.