an Update

Hello and welcome to my photo dump and ETC. lol. I haven’t given any update on the weight loss at all so here is this the recent update left side is from December and the right is from April I am down 30 LBS and have hit my first milestone for weight loss next goal is 10 LBS. I am having a true moment  I know the scale says I lost weight I just don’t see it lol.

Maybe in my face in these photos hmmmmm. I was able to fit in pants  I haven’t worn in 3 years that was actually kind of nice.






I applied for  2 different positions at work I didn’t get either but the feedback I received was great and helpful for me so I can prepare myself for something that’s actually for me. My top focus these past few  months were: building my online presence and  Connecting more on my spiritual Path and building my new website


It’s that time of the year again I lost a good chunk of my plants after the winter storm and had to regroup them all and added more food and fewer flowers  I have found I do better when I plant them from the start VS buying the plant from wherever it’s been fun  I started to declutter my apartment and  I am not sure what it is about decluttering and Spring Cleaning but it brightens my mood so much.


I am still halfway a Vegan I am at 2 meals out the week are fully vegan meals I got a chance to celebrate my bestie’s birthday at Whiskey Cake and Main Event  .




This is my last pic of Deena a little before June after 7 years i released her to a family that could provide her with more attention that i could not even with me working at home .




I’ve added more Vegan options to my meal plans for the week and its fewer calories and fewer meals throughout the day that doesn’t mean I am not splurging on good food that’s not vegan either I am just limiting myself on those meals Like my Bestie, for Example, spent a weekend at Whiskey Cake and a new SOul Food restaurant down the street which was soooo good.




also my patience with men online is still just as short as it was before  why do they do the most and then play like a victim when you pay them no mind lol?