Applying the Law of Attraction to Your Business!!


Basically, the law of attraction says that what you visualize in your mind and with your emotions can become a reality. By believing that you are present in your thoughts and feelings, you are said to “attract” those things you desire by thinking of them and having strong feelings about them. When you tap into the law of attraction, you visualize yourself in the place you want to be.

According to the law, you will attract the necessary things for those who wants to manifest in real life. You are said to attract those things on which you focus your energy.

How can this law be applied to your business? Here are some ideas.

What Do You Want?

Determining just what it is that you want is the basic beginning of applying the law of attraction. After all, you can’t visualize your dreams if you don’t know what they are. So, it’s a good idea to begin by being quite specific about what you want from your business.

So one Manifestation I was earning for a few years back was a different apartment. I wanted Bigger and nicer and in my budget.


Visualization is said to create your personal “vibration.” The law of attraction is said to respond to this vibration. Every day, try envisioning yourself as successful in your business. Try to make the visualizations specific – you receive a phone call; you join with a powerful business partner; you find 100 new clients. Spend time each day with these thoughts at the forefront of your mind.

Imagine that you have already achieved what you want. This is said to heighten your awareness of the opportunities you will begin to attract.

I would keep the brochure of the apartment in plain sight so I would see it every day and think about it every day.

Believe It’s Yours

The law of attraction says you need to accept those things that come your way as a result of your attraction. Like any belief, you need to overcome doubt and trust that you will, in fact, attract what you want. If you want to sell more of your product or service, for instance, believe it can happen. As you visualize, move into trust. Accept that these business goals and achievements are yours.

Another element of believing it’s yours is to cultivate a healthy sense that you deserve these accomplishments and dreams. If you continue to think you’re not worthy, it could affect the vibration you send out, and attract negative attention to your business.

you could not tell me this was the place was not going to be mine I marinated about this apartment for a year and then the time came to move.


Be Careful of Negative Thoughts

The law of attraction means you attract those things you focus on – so if you attract negative things, it is due to a negative vibration you sent out. The law of attraction applies to bad things as well, in other words. It is said that you should make sure to keep it positive so that you do not attract business failure or frustration.


I got denied for the apartment and then got in a negative mindset until waking up and reaching out to an apartment locater.  I revamped my thinking and with me changing my mindset got me an apartment, one that far exceeded the one  I thought I wanted.