Can Dream Interpretation Be A Valid Method For Self-growth?

Can dream interpretation be a valid method for self-growth?

My answer is Yes.

the guiding hand of the higher self works in mysterious ways. An understanding of our dreams is the most direct way of tapping into this cosmic intelligence. The reason for this ease is because of most of us dream!

Interestingly, dream interpretation can also be applied in other areas too. It can be and has been used successfully to interpret the symbols of our clairvoyant vision while in meditation. Understanding the symbology can assist one in bridging a transition onto higher and more abstract means of knowing.

Intuition is what binds and creates recognizable connections to the seemingly unrelated dream visions and symbols. This, in turn, structures the connections into a cohesive and meaningful message.

Intuition is not mental reasoning. It is simply that inner knowing of feeling/sensing that is beyond logic and reasoning. Intuition is, in fact, a real cognitive process.  In another word, we have been placing too much emphasis on logic, proving and reasoning. Intuition has saved me on several occasions from making bad decisions so of course, I beg to differ on this insight.

Intuition, sometimes it doesn’t tell you the outcomes of events. In my cases, it is simply an inner knowing that explains and provides answers.