Fresh starts no broken hearts

30 minutes into my “Fresh Start” I realized what I had just done.

I wanted a fresh start and within the last 4 months of 2017, I have kept my focus on keeping my peace, Fresh starts, and overall happiness.

I thought it would be the perfect time to also revamp my entire blog look and website which also caused me to delete all 200 blogs from the last 2 years.

My journey, my growth all gone I mean technically  I have the memories, the pain, and everything but not going back to re-read it online kinda hurt.

So here is to my fresh start and a little journey on memory lane.



How did I get here?

3 important men molded a lot of my ideas on why I date the way I do and also taught me some valuable lessons. These learning lessons spanned over the course of 11 years. I know, it took me 11 years to find myself and when I walked away from the last relationship I honestly still had not  “found myself .that’s kinda sad huh? It’s not everyone’s story and the journey will always be different I just wish I had woke up earlier with a few of them. As I reflect, all the signs were there for me to walk away but I honestly didn’t value myself enough to do that. Never did I imagine that my girlfriends would be calling me the”BLOCK QUEEN” “The No ma’am”. I went from questioning my worth to knowing exactly what I wanted and realizing I deserved that and more.








Again this took me 11 years to manifest this, trial and error, and lots of dates lol. I realized that EX #1 lesson was that I wanted stability I can stand on my own two feet and I need him to do the same and have a work ethic. I also would want him to be faithful and secure within himself. EX # 2 taught me that I will not settle and accept mediocrity from a man. I will not allow a man to hit me and drown in his struggle love. EX # 3 taught me it was very important to have a man confident within himself it is really exhausting to tell a man how amazing he is and building him up always and he finds every moment to bring you down. I also learned that I will never go half on bills lol.

The crazy dating stories I have I could put them in a book but they also taught me a whole list of things  :

  1. Take your time no need to rush.
  2. trust your gut and ask questions.
  3. do not go with the flow.
  4. stand your ground on your standards.
  5. if he treats you bad stop making excuses
  6. do not give girlfriend/wife benefits to a stranger.
  7. bare minimum effort from him does not mean give him your all.
  8. never put your eggs in a basket until you are in a relationship date and be merry.
  9. Everything that looks good ain’t always good protect yourself and research.
  10. Inconsistency is also a decision too.