I left my Toxic Job

If you needed a sign about leaving your Toxic Job this is it

I decided to boss up after the continuous changes with my Job. I had only started working there 10 months prior, and after 3 new bosses, I was done. I was with my previous employer about 5 years I met amazing people, had great benefits and I was totally comfy until layoffs happened this job made me realize that jobs honestly do not care about you and can drop you faster than me when I drop Fuckboys lol. I was stressed I was getting paid nearly minimum wage and had way too many Eviction notices I care to acknowledge. Something needed to change I sold shoes, purses, clothes, opened a store online for anything to bring in income. The final change was when the team was advised that our payday was changing and they advised of this  4 days before our original payday. I applied for 15 jobs a day for 3 weeks before I call back for a job that paid 12k more a year. It’s been 3 Months now I am relaxed stress-free and have planned 2 vacations for the next 6 months since I now have the funds to do so.

Do not kill yourself for a job that will replace you in a few weeks do

not stay at a place that you hate going to daily.

do not dim your  light