Listening to Women’s Intuition: A Journey of Trust and Self-Discovery

Today, I want to dive deep into a topic that’s been on my mind: women’s intuition. Throughout my life, my gut feeling has proven to be a reliable guide, yet there were times when I brushed it aside.

I firmly believe that our intuition is our innate wisdom, a compass that steers us away from harm and towards better choices. It’s that voice that screams at us, loud and clear, urging us to pay attention. Over time, I’ve learned that my intuition has been an invaluable tool, saving me from potential pitfalls.

One of the realms where intuition shines the brightest is dating. It’s like a protective shield, helping us discern genuine individuals from those who might pose a threat. I’ve had my fair share of encounters where my intuition whispered truths about someone’s character long before their actions could confirm them. It’s the little things—the hesitations, the inconsistencies—that set off alarm bells. Thankfully, I’ve dodged more than a few bullets, both figuratively and, as fate would have it, quite literally in a club.

At this moment, I’m in therapy, and one of our primary topics is Larel . I can’t ignore the nagging question: why didn’t I listen to my intuition? Reflecting on this, I realize that sometimes, ignoring that inner voice comes back to haunt us. It’s a challenging admission, but here’s the truth:

Even before I entered the relationship, I knew things about him. My intuition presented me with a snapshot of his character, a mosaic of red flags that I couldn’t ignore. I saw that he wasn’t monogamous, that he had a complicated relationship with love and relationships. Yet, I dismissed these as if they were mere whispers in the wind.

In contrast to my intuitive insights, the version of him he showed me seemed appealing. Love-bombing, grand promises, and genuine-seeming conversations blurred my vision. I let my guard down, and as time progressed, so did the revelations. The truth about his sexual recklessness, his emotional unavailability, his disregard for his health, and his inconsistency—all of these elements emerged as if echoing the early warnings my intuition had given me.

It’s incredible how I let myself question my intuition. The push and pull of emotions, the desire to give someone a chance, to believe in the possibility of change—it all muddied the waters. When he asked me to be his girlfriend after my initial doubts, I said yes. It’s as if I silenced the alarm bells, hoping that my gut was wrong.

But then, the cycle of his behavior repeated, unveiling even more layers of the truth. The pain of realization was intense—my intuition had known all along. My therapist’s words echoed in my mind, urging me to trust myself more than I trusted his promises.

These experiences have led me to a deeper understanding of why I sometimes ignore my intuition. I realize that my guarded heart, while protecting me, also lets in those who manage to cross its barriers. In those cases, I chose to trust what someone said over what my intuition screamed.

As I move forward, I’m committed to breaking this pattern. The lessons from my past have taught me the importance of embracing my intuition not only before but also during relationships. Listening to that inner voice is an act of self-preservation, a declaration that my wisdom is worth acknowledging.