My introduction-The Panamanian

It’s funny the difference a year makes.

Last year I was briefly involved with someone and I came across his Facebook the other day and he’s still posting subs about me. I was also happy none of our mutuals engaged with the thread. I give a brief run through of what it was since he lasted A month if that. I met him on Facebook he was broke and his dick was small.

See told ya lol.

All of that ended around my birthday a month later I met “the Panamanian”. Well I sorta met him I kinda had the feeling the time was running out with Mr. Shrimp dick as my girlfriends called him, so I had blown the dust off of my old dating profiles and met him on Tinder we talked about a month and he wanted to go on a date at that point , we exchanged numbers talked offline briefly and he sent me a pic of his hair cut off. My response was in my mind oh you don’t like it? What auto correct put: I don’t like it.

Well, fuck you autocorrect he actually blocked me after that and I never heard from him till 2 months later when he accidentally dialed me and realized I was “Tinder Kay” we talked 4 hours and went out for a bite to eat and talked 4 more hours. We went on a date almost every night for about a month then he asked me to go steady lol yes just like that. We dug deep in the getting to know tried to get an understanding of our love languages and when we felt it was the right time became intimate.




EDIT ON WHAT I FOUND OUT LATER: He was on a hunt that night was feeling low wanted to get a hotel and  have sex with the next woman that said yes but  realized all the women he hit  up on Craigslist were all asking for Money, he then found my number and  played it like he called me on accident pretended like he was  looking for his cousin (who I found did not exist)  

What is it about sex sometimes not all I know that brings out all the terrible shit that you wish would have happened prior to the sex?

Well of course he sat down and told me all the awful awful flaws that he knew were all of my deal breakers so I did what any self-respecting woman should do and told him I liked him (not realizing at the moment that I loved him) but he needed to fix those aspects and then he can date me like I deserve to be dated . So we broke up yep all those dating mistakes I have made in the past was not going to happen this go around.




EDIT ON WHAT I FOUND OUT LATER: He told me he was a Felon on probation and the children he was so doting about he had not seen in years.

So I worked, Lived my life, pussy popped all the stuff you are supposed to do when another one exits stage left. I knew two things could have happened he would be gone like all the others or he would get his shit right and come  back, either way, I would be just fine. I knew my worth and realized  I needed someone to compliment my already awesome life not complete it. So you know what he did? Came back With all ducks in a row and then some.



EDIT ON WHAT I FOUND OUT LATER: I thought he had his ducks in a row he actually fabricated things in his life he advised he was off probation he was not and after finding out isn’t off of probation until  2023. His children he was paying Child support, for the most part, paying 90 Bucks a week isn’t shit and e thought that was too much, at least this part was true but was not an active father and was over 20K in Debt. This is when I began to realize his charm he had an amazing way with words where I believed in him and that he would do right by his daughters and get his life together he asked me to be patient and  I said  I would.