New Moon in Taurus

Ok so I am getting my things together for the New Moon in Taurus on May 11th

This is an abundant time to prepare yourself for amazing gifts to be provided for you and doors to be opened in your favor. (Keep in mind you can not just sit idle and do nothing ) whatever you put your mind to doing it’s yours!!  You deserve  Peace, and  Luxury shit (I guess if you are  on that Birkin Bag waiting list call them and see what place you are  in  lol) Don’t forget to rest and stay grounded during this time

If it’s been a while since you have touched your Tarot cards grab your favorite Oracle deck during your meditation I will be using this Oracle deck:

The Image takes you to the site for purchase 🙂

If you would like to protect yourself while in this New Moon in Taurus these were oil suggestions I saw:

Vetiver– brings your unconscious thoughts forward into reality.
It soothes your worries, helps you remember what truly matters, and reconnects you with your divine purpose

Pomegranate brings passion, fertility, and good luck. It’s regenerative and stirs feelings of love and compassion.

Nutmeg– is a powerful tool for manifestation and visioning – it clears away mental debris and brings dreams into reality.

Champaka/Champaca-is a strong, spiritual presence that balances the heart meridian and opens energy flow

Tonka Oil– can be used for spell work for love and luck. The beans can be carried and charged to either attract love or fortune into your life. Place one in your wallet or purse to ensure you’ll always have money attracted to you. Or, add a Tonka bean to a red mojo bag to attract romance into your life. You can hold a Tonka bean, make a wish, and then throw it into running water to ensure that the wish comes true. (I felt called to get oil to use for anointing candles or myself)

Colors to focus on if you are wanting to do any candle work with the New Moon in Taurus :

Brown, Black, Red, White, Green, Yellow

Herbs for any Candle work:

Rose-excellent for drawing in the fiery side of love: intense, passionate, and sexual. They are also used in healing spells and are particularly good for healing emotional heartbreak and feelings of worthlessness or despondency. Red rose petals are also excellent for bringing fast luck, mostly in drawing a sensual love quickly.

Butterfly Bush -I wanted to add a new  part to my garden so I got a bush on Amazon (don’t judge me  lol)

Hibiscus– for love and marriage spells

Crystals to work with :

Blue AGate -Helps you become more mindful with your speaking and getting your point across in a less hostile way

Black Agate – Black agate helps you find inner peace during emotional times when you’re not feeling vibrationally at your best. It’s also a gemstone for stronger self-control, resilience, and balance. Black agate is a stone of peace and calm. It’s an ally during bereavement, providing the peace you need to move on and let go.


Dragon Blood Sage

Burn on Charcoal:

Rose Petals, Dragon Blood, sandalwood, and ginger

Follow My Journey

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Welcome to Sage Goddess

Pomegranate Oil

Nutmeg Oil

Champaka/Champaca Oil

Butterfly Bush