No Sex and Feelings

Why you bothering me when you know you don’t want me?

So officer set up his 7th “date/I’m going to see you ” Unbeknownst to me he was grabbing dinner and coming over to chill at my place. I was not privy to this Information until an hour after my shift and I called and text him for him to tell me he was at the hospital with his father. We had previously had a conversation about how he needed to step back from dating me because his time is more so focused on his father, his children, and work. All rightfully so in my opinion however he has asked for exclusivity from me and the time I get from him is limited and of low value. I expressed this and he went off a checklist of all the things he is changing about himself to be with me I found myself frustrated and just honestly hanging up the phone with him.

Taking sex off the Table and you will get your feelings hurt with me. Period.

He shows up 2 hours after he said he would empty handed and just wanted to sleep in the bed and advised me sex with us was no longer on the table as if he was punishing me in a way for being upset that there was not a date last night. I was awakened this morning while he watched sports on his phone for a couple hours he wanted to go out for breakfast but just wanted to watch me eat (also realized the last 3 actual dates when went on and food was involved he didn’t eat only me ) I declined and advised in a nice way I wanted him out my bed to provide my own self some form of sexual release. Currently, I am placing him on Do Not Disturb for the next week to gather my energy again and will see how I feel after on if I will be continuing this or will this be his last post.