

They say that positioning of the lines in the hand is a key to determining the subject’s past, present, and future. The basics of Palmistry are said to be quite simple as opposed to the popular belief that it is something mysterious. The fleshy part of the hand and the structure of the fingers reveal a lot about the subject.

The scientists claim that Palmistry does not have any scientific basis. According to the Palmists, the dominant hand of a person reveals the current and future trends. Palmists see a definite pattern in the lines on the palm. These lines have been classified into the heart line, headline, lifeline, fate line, etc.

Each of these lines will interpret different aspects of one’s life.

In this age of cutthroat competition, the people seem to have become more and more dependant on things beyond their normal powers. Palmistry is gaining popularity even among the western public as well.

This is because human beings have become more concerned about their future than ever before.

For special occasions like marriage, setting up a new business, the birth of a child, starting a new profession, etc, a visit to a Palmist has become a must. A palmist will examine the hand carefully and advise the clients about their next activity.

The palmists say that there is a relation between the lines in one’s palm, the planetary motions, and one’s life.