Stop trying to be perfect!
I know it’s hard and you always want to lead with your best foot but if you have to pretend to be someone else what exactly is the point of it all?
Do not lower your standards to fit their box you will not be happy think of your last relationship when you did this. How did it end? Exactly!
One thing I always did was signed up for dating “Gurur”s I read the Steve Harvey books watched the Derrick Jaxns videos and joined April Masons Feminine Group.
Honestly, it’s all Common sense but some of the advice will tell you everything you need to do to attract him but not so much on what you should do for you.
This isn’t to say that you should be selfish and not please your guy But come on let him earn it first at least. Dating is not about what you can do for the other person to make them happy and fulfilled it’s about you as well.
This is why it’s is important to make sure you are good here *taps head* before you jump out there on that battlefield we call love. Especially now it’s a war zone lol
Dating after a toxic relationship can be tricky because you’ve been conditioned to think that you’re the one who needs to change to make any relationship work. So, it’s only natural to revert back to this way of thinking.
If you find yourself doing this, take a few steps back and reconnect with yourself again.
One good practice is to make a “What I need list”
Make three categories:
1.Attributes that are a MUST (think of these before you start dating I would suggest in looking at your love language)
2.Attributes that are negotiable.
3.Attributes that are deal breakers.
Read it often and don’t settle.
Read all the toxic series parts here