the connection between red flags and sex update (4/9/2018)

He seemed so nice but it is true you can’t solely base your interaction with someone only on how they are online. I blame myself and not following my vetting process with him because of his approach with us exchanging numbers.

Hate for the cowboys

This is really no big deal for me since everyone hates the cowboys I am not an overzealous fan but you will be shocked how many overzealous folks that hate the Cowboys because they assume that I am overzealous fan it’s mind-boggling the number of men I stopped dating because they wanted to rant for 15 mins about this and we could have talked about so many other things lol. He told me at one point he hated the Cowboys because a Family member that beat him was a Cowboys fan. (Yikes)

Age ain’t nothing but a number

we discussed music and got on the topic of Aaliyah and R. Kelly we didn’t agree on the whole fact that I thought R. Kelly was a predator and sexual deviant and how he felt Aaliyah was a grown enough to know what she wanted (mind you Aaliyah was 14-15 when her accounter happened) He ranted about this for a few minutes as well .

Too many times made it seem as if I wasn’t smart and he knew it all

I have never been a fake the funk kind of woman and I never will be If I do not know something I will never pretend to know I will educate myself or reach out to someone with knowledge on a topic. He argued me down about Social Media, a man that doesn’t have a social media account (so he claims) but told me every person that has an account has a social issue within themselves that they have to be naked online and do everything for likes. He also mentioned that if something came from our lil interaction I would have to shut everything down (Blog included). That also didn’t sit well with me not because I feed an addiction with Social Media but more so I do not like demands made by men that have never made an investment in me.

Negative seemed bitter and hurt

I have met some hurt men over the last 3 years and they didn’t take time to heal or they are at a bad point in their lives but this man by far the worst case I have ever seen He legit for the time we spoke on the phone was not positive one time and you can feel the hurt whoever he had prior to meeting me did a number on him that only a few sessions of Therapy could help it was really bad .

When asked about how many kids he had didn’t want to tell me got angry saying stuff like I would judge him.

I get a little weird about men wanting to know a lot of information about my kids early on I try not to dig deep on men with kids But I am interested in base minimum stuff like How many, ages, how often they seem them and the relationship with their mother/s. This dude went far left with the topics he didn’t want to tell me anything he let it sli[ a few times on his kids’ ages he mentioned a 3-year-old, an 8 year and 22 years yeah you see the age in the profile picture that topic is coming up now lol. apparently women have judged him and that was a deal breaker for them so he has decided not to tell any women how many kids he has until they are vested in one another (this was actually my deal breaker moment and when I ended the call ) I am thinking he has lots of kids and lots of different mothers none of which he married based off of his conversation on it.

Lied about his age on a dating site.

I have settings where I want to date men in a certain dating pool 28-37 I used to date men in their 40’s but my experience has not gone too well with them so I have stopped dating them at this time. this man was 42 and claims that he could not change the age on the page (which is a lie on OKC you can change the age). I will give it to him he does look like he can pass for a man in his 30’s.


So I haven’t spoken to this man in months and within the last month he has text me after midnight hey kay I had time today yes I am seeing someone so I thought since he was emotional as hell I’d give him some closure big mistake, huge , and bullet was definitely dodged y’all better start paying attention to those red flags.


I used  google image search to look him up hes got 2 kids hes behind with on child support  his addy is in the  Hood and  appears to be  in a older part  of  houston not spring like  his  location states  and  it’s  his  mommys  house  .

he has a record and  severed  8 years for  battery against a family  memeber  (one  of his  many baby mothers  )


he continued  on messaging me  after  his  announcements of “blocking me”