Single in the city : worst date ever

We went out for drinks everything after chatting for a bit on POF  everything was honestly going great on the date was great until he decided he wanted to talk politics with our nice waitress that voted for Trump and almost started a fucking riot in the bar. So we took a walk around the park things appeared to have gotten better then we came back to my house and sat in the car he wanted to listen to music for an hour it got close to three it was time for me to go home. He wanted to walk me to my door I told him no thank you and I could get to the door fine and  I thanked him again. He acts like he wants to walk me to the door and he didn’t want the night to end. I explain since he was “being a gentleman ” he could watch me walk to the building and I could call him to let him know I made it safely inside. He wanted to argue with me said I was punishing him for every mistake other men before him made and this was whats wrong with black women they won’t let a man lead. I walked the hell away from him took my to go box and came to my house..In hindsight  he was already saying he didn’t like dogs which i hate people that do this especially since i had pitts they always want to tell me about my own  dogs never had a dog a day in his life. Then kept hinting about coming in .

*original date for the blog: February 7th, 2017*