The Day the lights went out in New York

I remember the first time I met Dovear I was in the eighth grade and Heather introduced me to her  we were as thick as thieves

I loved her because she knew exactly who she was, who she wanted to be, and took no shit from not a single soul.

people spend their entire lives finding themselves trying to figure out exactly who they are imagining being 12-13 years old and knowing exactly who you’re supposed to be comfortable in your own skin.

I realize people come into your life for a reason a season or a lifetime. It is very rare to have all three from any person that enters your life.

Dovear’s reason to be in my life was to show me exactly who I should be, she surpassed many seasons; children, marriage, divorce, relationships, moves, jobs everything that you can possibly imagine she was there through the thick of everything. Dovear was an intricate part of my life because she placed a mark on my heart that will forever exceed my time here on earth. My collective of friends and I have different levels of our friendships one thing that is always consistent is if we go months without talking with one another the moment that we pick that phone back up it’s as if no time has ever passed.

Dovear came to Texas a few years ago and I got to enjoy time with her and Heather as if we were kids again, I even got to spend quality time with her discussing life in the future and a lot of the things that both of us wanted to accomplish.

some scenes from our night in Texas lol I was so happy to find these I was crying the first few days when I found out she had passed

I loved our chats about becoming better black women, she was always pushing me, picking my head up, placing my shoulders back and ensuring that always held my head high. we’re a lot of points where I did not love myself I didn’t understand a lot of things that we’re going on in my life as a young girl and here I had someone younger than me that I considered my baby sister speaking that into existence to me a regular basis.

Over the last couple of years, our conversations became more frequent and a month did not pass before we spoke to one another it got to a point where it was no longer than a week. Not going to sugarcoat about her life in the way she lived it at times nor is that my story to tell but she was making amazing changes and her future was very bright there have only been two occasions in my life when death occurred and my soul felt like it was ripped from me February 26th, 2020 was the date that the lights went out in New York.

At least for me it was I woke up to see that my friend had passed My initial reaction was I just think that maybe it’s a bad dream and I’ll wake up eventually at some point.

I spend my day working and I’ll be hearing her voice at every turn I honestly usually hear her voice in a lot of circumstances when I live my life because that’s my best friend that had been my best friend for almost 20 years on February 26th I heard her voice all day. Stop crying bitch, if you don’t quit it now, you know you don’t need to order that you should cook something,

Image result for side eye gif

it should be healthy, you should go to the gym, you should go to yoga that’ll help you relax meditate.

Get out of the bed get off the phone, go work on your business, how is your business going the cart is literally full purchase those items and work on your business. These were our conversations every day the same content with a splash on new life updates lol. I wish to have these same conversations with her again every day

 I cannot forget who she was, I will never forget who she was but the only way that I can possibly honor her it’s to live my life like she expected me to

The best way to describe my Love my soulmate is her in her most true essence is on the stage

look at her in the true form click the image below:

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