so every summer around this time the munchkins head here to become texans for a few months . I’m excited because this time around I have a car for us to move around in I make more money and we can do all kinds of activities in super excited I have things planned from the start till the end of summer.
We got a chance to get kolaches ( they only have them in texas and they cant get them in north Carolina so of course those are their favorite things to eat lol.)
Tex – Mex is their other favorite lol so we went to Jimmy Changas and stuffed our faces lol .
My son is 13 now and asked for 1 thing for his birthday . he got it lord it was hard to let my card go to swipe it but he deserves it with the grades he made this year im one proud momma.
They are signes up to come to the gym with me and swim lessons start next month .
We got a chance to go to a festival eat some crawfish and have some deep ass conversations about life, sex ( this was jayden lol) and how they feel living in North Carolina

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