The “You Are Enough” 30-Day Blogging Challenge!

Day 17: Also in Chapter Twelve, I talk about how sunflowers are called sunflowers because they literally “turn toward the sun.” Talk about a time in your life when you turned toward the sun and chose the light when it would have been easier to settle for darkness.








I went through a stage within the past six or seven months when I decided that being petty, being Savage,  dragging people for Filth, posting screenshots exposing folks and telling people’s business. I got to a point where I felt like that was not beneficial for my life and it took me away from a lot of decisions that I was making outside of my life off of social media. I refuse to interact with anyone online unless they are people that are like minded. I found myself not wanting to be open and vulnerable and sharing pieces of information with perfect strangers because one minute they’re your friend and the next minute all your business is out in front street. I watched it over the course of so many months I disgusted  to see it I’m tired of watching it happen every week someone from social media that’s popular or the cool crowd getting exposed by people that they shared their deepest darkest secrets,  it’s disturbing to watch it I’ve made an active decision within myself to take a step back from those type of people and it’s not because I’m scared they’re going to expose something because honestly and truthfully speaking there are not too many things that I share with people online unless it’s family or  friends.I’m not going to put myself in those circles  because they’re  there is no such thing as positivity in those groups on Facebook social media wherever where you’re sharing your secrets your sharing your life your sharing anything but the moment that you say something that angers someone taking it and turn around and flipping it on you so I have made the active decision for the remainder of my time here on social media to be positive, shine a light and positivity for the day, make someone laugh every once in awhile.