The “You Are Enough” 30-Day Blogging Challenge!

Day 2 of  #YouAreEnough: In Chapter One, I have a very special encounter with someone that felt almost like an angelic experience. Talk about a time in your life when you have been “touched by an angel,” or had a God wink moment that helped get you back on track or see something in your life through new eyes.








Is it bad I have never had an “angelic” experience but more amazing lessons and amazing people that have helped me along the way? My best friend Kitty allowed me to live with her when I was kicked out from a friend who I thought would be a sister for life. She didn’t ask me to do anything loved me to no end and gave me so much life I was able to bounce back on my feet and manifest the fuck out of my life. All of my best friends have been there for  me at my lowest times which gave me strength to push forward and comeback better than before .