The “You Are Enough” 30-Day Blogging Challenge!

Day 7: In Chapter Five, I write a letter to a past version of myself to share with her the struggles she would soon face. Write a letter to a past version of yourself, at any time in your life, letting her know that whatever is up ahead for her, she is ENOUGH to handle it.








Dear 17 Year Old Kay 

He is a distraction, he is not ready for you and you need to stick to the plan. He will hurt you and it won’t be pretty.

Dear 18-Year-old Kay 

He is a distraction, he is not ready for you and you need to stick to the plan. He will hurt you and it won’t be pretty.

Do not marry him Do not get that tattoo and continue on with your life, you can make it, you can survive you do not need him your lesson to learn has already passed with him.

Dear 27-year-old Kay 

He is a distraction, he is not ready for you and you need to stick to the plan. He will hurt you and it won’t be pretty.

This is your time to take a break and love yourself be a mom, make up for lost times and then date in a year or two after you get on your feet finally.

Dear 30-year-old Kay 

He is a distraction, he is not ready for you and you need to stick to the plan. He will hurt you and it won’t be pretty.

                                                                    This is your time to take a break and love yourself be a mom, make up for lost times and then date in a year or two after you get on your feet finally.

The love that you are wanting will be around in about 3 to 4 years your mind will be right and ready and your life will be where you want it to be. He will not stand your ground do not settle.


I repeat myself because between 17-30 I still continued to make the same mistakes with men, my life, choices I made as a mom. you would think after several heartbreaks, starting over and my life getting turned upside down I would have enough sense to know don’t touch the stove it’s hot.