Unpacking and accountability

There are a group of people in this world who refuse to face themselves and their issues, yet continuously get into relationships and project their issues onto their partners. A cycle of failed relationships follow then they wonder why shit isn’t working out. When we meet people like that, who don’t hold themselves accountable it can be exhausting. Those people should stay single until they’ve done the work.

In platonic relationships it’s important to be truthful with our friends when they’ve turned dark. Meet them halfway.

Moral is, everyone is responsible for their own work while apart then we partnerships happen communication is key.

Vulnerability is why people are afraid to be open

-Dannie Walker

I am going through the accountability and unpacking phase with the Panamanian.

For whatever reason, he thought it would be an awesome idea to quit his job without a second lined up and float off in his very own dream world. When discussing this I was then asked to practically be his mother and guide him and teach him how to apply for jobs, how to do his own resume, and to in a sense of words take care of him. My answer, of course, was no to all of this and he was angry and I didn’t care. Our upbringing was totally opposite and when I made the decision to leave home at 18 I kept a promise to myself that I needed to make it in life so well that I never depend on my toxic parents for anything no matter what. So when I was laid off or wanted to leave a job I put out 15 or more applications a day I kept my eyes and ears opened for jobs, I networked, I paid for my resume to be fixed and adjusted after my first paychecks just in case. You want to Why? I was hungry I always have been I can’t

imagine quitting a job with no fallback but again I do not have an entire family coddling me when I fall on my ass. Its been a tense few weeks around him because our relationship is getting to a stage where he lacks any self Accountability and I am coming off mean because I don’t want to be with someone who is at a different level than me and refuses  to level up


Current Mood:




This was also the time the sex had diminished he stayed  up playing  on his computer and  not applying  himself to get a job and  I was speeding past  him with my career there also came a time I reached out to his ex-wife because  he was complaining and  making it seem like she was doing a lot  of horrible things to him after a few google searches I find  out  he had  hurt his wife and went to jail behind  it and  violated his  probation by trying to be a fake drug dealer and  finding  out he was the reason and  not his ex-wife he is considered a felon made me  look at him in a whole  new  life I also wanted to help her get the  money she was supposed to be getting from him  . He was pressuring me to have  his baby and was angry and offended when I declined since he had two that he could not afford to take care of. When I asked him about this he lied  I  tried reaching out to the ex-wife about this she blocked me sent him this long ass text that he showed me where she ranted about how everything was great in her life and that she was the best he ever had and how I wont ever be her. which is true  I can’t have children with men that do not take care of their kids. It also didn’t take me very long to realize he was trash and I didn’t have 2 babies with a Bum to find this out either so that part she was definitely right about.