Are You Worried? 4 Steps to Peace of Mind


Here are a few avenues I’m exploring:

1) I practice catching myself at it. “Hey, I’m worrying again.”  On rare days when I don’t have anything to worry about, I find something. What I’ve learned is that worry is a mental habit. I can change habits; I’ve done it before. There’s hope.

2) My second approach is to practice presence. By this I mean stopping my thoughts. I relish that moment of quiet before my thoughts re-engage. There is no future or past, just Now. No worrying thoughts — no thoughts at all. It’s a peaceful place, which is why I stretch the moment. I want to strengthen the connection to something greater than my worries.

3)  Connect with your self, your creativity, and the place where everything really is okay.

Are you worrying?

Stop your thoughts for a moment.

Listen to the sounds around you, pay attention, and be present to this key moment. And smile . . . for no reason. You may find that’s the best reason of all.