Full Moon in Sagittarius

Get ready for Major transformations and Abundance. This Full Moon is  all about Prosperity and truth

SUPERmoon TOTAL lunar eclipse and falls on the 26th in the sign of Sagittarius

Boring, the Same routine  ? get out of that headspace now

We will need to set intentions  around  :

Health, Happiness, Peace of mind


Educational Goals

Connect with your friends  and network as much as possible and  anyone you are butting heads with start a clean state

Let’s not even concern ourselves with them and stay calm and optimistic about your life.

Don’t second guess what the  universe  is  trying to tell you especially  if you are trying to give folks the benefit  of the doubt

make sure you are loving yourself and others and say nice words

Venus  Square Neptunes on the 27th.

this is to ensure we are keeping peace within our life.

I am trying something Different this Full Moon and creating a few alters for Oshun and Aje :

Details about these African Goddesses:



Salute to Aje, Goddess of Wealth



These are the Oils I’ll be  using for  an anointing Oil  (I use mine for Candles and  to anoint  myself throughout the  month)

white lotus symbolizes Bodhi or a state of being awakened. It supports releasing; letting go of anything that doesn’t serve your highest good

Champaka-lifts the mood and emanates love and beauty

Fraser fir, or she-balsam, is strengthening, grounding, and transformative

Violet-brings abundance, fertility, courage, self-expression, and peace

Ylang ylang-helps the heart to open, which facilitates the healing of deep emotional trauma

Peach carries an energy of fullness and completion. It brings joy, happiness, emotional fulfillment, and gratitude for blessings

Mysore sandalwood-Mysore sandalwood is an aphrodisiac that enhances sensuality and spiritual vibrations

Crystals to work with  :

Citrine is a Solar Plexus Chakra stone that increases mental clarity and attracts prosperity. It’s a powerful gem of manifestation and money magic and the perfect tool to work with for all things abundance.

Obsidian– Obsidian is truth-enhancing. A strong protective stone, it forms a shield against negativity. It blocks psychic attacks and absorbs negative energies from the environment. Obsidian draws out mental stress and tension.

Onyx- Black onyx is believed to be one of the most powerful protection stones. by absorbing negative energy, it alleviates worries and tensions.

bloodstone -Bloodstone helps us to live in the here and now, it eliminates confusion and enhances decision making. Helps remove energy blocks and strengthen the immune system.

Pink Agate-Pink Agate is said to be a grounding stone that brings balance emotionally, physically, and intellectually; harmonizing the Yin and Yang.

SANDSTONE CRYSTAL-A cheerful stone, Sandstone keeps those annoying tantrums and mood swings under control. When used on the Sacral chakra, Sandstone  can help you discern the truth among those around you and to keep your mind clear when making decisions

MANGANO CALCITE-Mangano Calcite is a deeply loving, nurturing stone that helps us be gentle with ourselves. It encourages us to accept love and have self-love, and act lovingly towards others. It is a powerful stress reliever that soothes anxiety and tension; and removes fears and reduces nightmares.


Candle Colors to work with:

Yellow, Orange, Pink, White, Silver, Green

Herbs for Candle work:

Rosemary-Promotes mental clarity and serenity by assisting with the release of negative thoughts and behaviors. Perfect for meditation and assisting with memory.

Linden Leaf: (Planet: Jupiter; Masculine Air): Brings luck and protection!

peony Root: Brings instant good luck! Marriage, beauty, blessing, protection, abundance!

PENNYROYAL LEAF– used to strengthen the body, protects against the evil eye, is used to rid a space of evil.

Cat’s Claw Bark -Cat’s Claw Bark. Sometimes called Opener or the Way, Cat’s Claw Bark helps navigate the path of health, clarity, energy, and immunity

Rue-Rue is used to protect against the evil eye, break jinxes, cleanse, remove spiritual blocks to good health, remedy crossed love situations, and help give you insight and wisdom about love.

Juniper Berry: (Planet: Sun, Masculine, Fire): Works to protect against bad vibes and people; strengthens and empowers those who wear or use juniper.

MARJORAM-Marjoram is used for love or protection spells.  People often use it in marriage spells to bring peace to the home.

Lavender: (Planet: Mercury; Masculine, Air): Brings peace & tranquility, protection, eases sleep, eases worry, removes stress, used to attract men, healing, and bringing prophetic dreams (especially if mixed with mugwort).

Moringa Leaf: comes from “the tree of life”; powerful herb for protection, health, healing, restores energy

Burdock Root: protection, breaking curses, cleansing, purging, and releasing

Chicory Root: (Planet: Sun; Masculine; Air): Removes obstacles and blocks, a natural and powerful ‘door opener’ and opportunity paver! Makes the wearer ‘invisible’.

Papaya Leaf: used for removing toxic or negative energy, protects relationships, works well with goddess energy

Yes that Mary lol


Now no Judgement here on my end if that’s your thing or not  lol.

Burn on charcoal:



Frankincense Tears




Mercury will go into Retrograde on May 29th,  what does that mean exactly?

Peach Oil

Silver Candles

Mysore Sandalwood

Oshun Mirror

Honeysuckle Tea

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